A bit more information about our up-coming hybrid amplifier
The amplifier will have approx 30watt per channel power. It can drive most low to medium impedance bookshelf speaker nicely. It is superb for using on your desktop, in a small to medium size listening environment, together with the D1 DAC, you will be surprised how powerful this small mini amplifier is.
We don’t use cheap [...]
Tube Magic D1 DAC with NOS GE 5670W tube now available for order
We all know how much improvement a good NOS (New Old Stock) tube can bring to the sound quality, therefore, start today, we will have a new model Tube Magic D1 with a brand new GE 5670W military version tube pre-installed. If you plan to use the tube preamp out on the D1, [...]
Tube replacement options for Tube Magic DAC
As you all know, the fun of any tube equipped audio device is the possibility of enhancing sound quality by switching another brand/model vacuum tube. Oh yea, that’s the beauty of “analogue”, nothing is 100% fixed.
Let me put my 2 cents on the available tube replacement candidates for our Tube Magic and Tube Magic D1 [...]